Welcome from Head of Prep
Joanna Talbot
At St Dominic’s every school day is filled with joy and wonder.
Our Prep Curriculum is broad, exciting and knowledge focused. We give the same rigour and value across all subjects, instilling a passion and love for learning from a young age. All children learn and develop their curiosity from our wonderful Early Years Department and carry this through their school life. The students are encouraged to have their own voice and share their experiences with others. They speak French from Pre-school and develop their creativity and practical skills using hand tools in Design Technology and specialist Art from Year 2. Through physical activities and extra-curricular trips, our children challenge themselves with new experiences to help them become the best that they can be. Extra-curricular clubs such as trampolining, badminton, climbing and STEM also allow our children to develop and achieve in ways outside of the classroom experience. Our LAMDA and Musical Theatre clubs keep our students entertained and we look forward to them treating us to shows and dance competitions throughout the year.
No two children are alike, and neither is our approach to their development through our tailor- made curriculum. Whilst the children are busily enjoying their learning, our teachers are constantly looking at each child’s potential using data to assess their cognitive ability as well as day to day tracking to ensure that they receive the right level of support, stretch and challenge across all aspects of learning. Our Teaching Support is of the highest calibre and the intervention support, ensuring our pupils are achieving their best, is something we are very proud of.
Our children are open-minded and we value learning from both our successes and mistakes because of what they allow us to become. We encourage all children to have a go, tapping into every opportunity that is afforded to them. At St Dominic’s, your child will embark on a learning adventure like no other, they will move from our Prep to Senior School as confident and compassionate individuals, with humility and purpose. A family school like no other and we welcome you to experience this for yourselves.
Pupils are self- confident, self- aware and respect themselves and others.
Their excellent moral development is constantly strengthened.
ISI 2015
Prep School
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