Open Events

Join us at our Autumn and Spring Open Morning

Whole School Open Mornings

Every autumn and spring term we host a Saturday open morning from 9:30 – 12:30pm.

Families are given the opportunity to have a guided tour of our school by our current students and can see first-hand the facilities and tailored added extras we have to offer. Teachers will be with their classes to show families what everyday life is like for our students and Mrs Harrison, our headteacher, will be on hand in the school hall to chat with parents over a cup of tea and cake.

If you are not free to attend our Saturday open mornings, we are happy to arrange a personal tour for you with Mrs Harrison at any time, as every day is an open day at St. Dominic’s Priory.

Please contact Mrs Charlotte Brindley, our admissions secretary, to arrange a tour or for more information by emailing or calling 01785 814181.


“Everyone was so welcoming and friendly.  There is such a lovely feel to this school.”



“We have been given lots to think about, as the tour was so informative.  It was so nice to meet some many teachers and students who were happy to answer any questions we had… which were many!”



“Our tour guides were fantastic –  such polite and helpful students.  They are a credit to the school.”



“It was nice to meet Mrs Harrison for a quick chat after our tour.  The tea and cake was delicious; what a nice touch.”


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