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See For Yourself
2nd Feb,2022
Nothing beats seeing us in person and so we are thrilled to announce that we will be opening our fabulous school for individual tours for families considering St. Dominic’s Priory School, Stone for their children’s education.
An Outstanding Education
2nd Feb,2022
Due to the pandemic, we know that many families may have concerns about gaps in their children’s learning, hence choosing the right school has never been more important.
Wellbeing for All
28th Jan,2022
The mental health and wellbeing of our students has never been as important as now! Whilst working remotely through the pandemic, we connected with our children for every lesson and had many initiatives to keep the relationships and experiences with school as normal as possible.
Let’s Start at the Very Beginning
28th Jan,2022
At St. Dominic’s Priory School in Stone we feel that all students, including the youngest of our students, make full use of being part of an all-through school from the age of 3 to 16.
Sport Matters
28th Jan,2022
At St. Dominic’s Priory School in Stone, we know that high-quality PE fosters the physical, moral, social and intellectual development of students.
Warwick Castle – Year 7
28th Jan,2022
As part of our studies into Medieval Castles, Year 7 visited Warwick Castle with Mrs Kemp and Mrs Harrison.
We explored the towers, great hall, walked the castle walls, watched the falconry display and even sampled some medieval weaponry!