Curriculum Y7 – Y9

The curriculum at St Dominic’s Priory School is creative, varied and interesting. All senior students from Y7-9 study the following subjects:

Maths Lesson

The KS3 curriculum at St Dominic’s aims to help our students to become successful learners who make progress and achieve; are confident and resilient individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives; and are responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society.

We encourage each student to develop their own methods of learning but within a supportive environment. We pride ourselves on our small class sizes, which allow each student’s needs and strengths to be addressed by our dedicated teaching and support staff. Our outstanding academic results, as a non-selective school reflects this.

When it is time to choose GCSE options, we try our very best to accommodate each individual student’s choices. Preparing our students for a seamless transition into KS4 is extremely important to us, as we know that if our students are happy, they will achieve to their full potential. Ensuring the students have succeeded in their chosen subjects, provides them a wider choice for the next stage in their academic journey.