All our weekly menus
Please note the menus run on a 3-week rotation and are reviewed half termly. Event menus will be added throughout the year!
Eleanor Bradford (Catering Assistant)
I have been at St. Dominic’s Priory School for 14 years, I try my best to encourage the children to try new dishes, also I help with after school club which I enjoy doing.
School Life

ISA National U13 Badminton Championships – Outstanding Drop Shots and Smashes Lead to Medals Galore
The ISA National U13 Badminton Championships took place on Friday 22nd November at the stunning...

We Are The Champions, My Friends…. Midlands ISA Athletics Triumph
Competing at Saffron Lane Stadium in Leicester in the Midlands Independent Schools Athletics...

Glory for St. Dominic’s in Regional Schools Trampoline Competition
On Sunday 3rd December 13 members of St Dominic’s Priory School travelled to Birmingham to compete...