We know that deciding on the right school for your child is very important and can be a difficult decision, so we are here to make the process as easy as possible.
Students can join our school at any point during the school year as long as there are spaces available. Our prep school welcomes children from Pre-school to Primary 6 and our senior school from Year 7 to Year 11, with the main points of entry for Seniors being Year 7 and Year 9.
The application process is very straightforward:
- For your initial enquiry please complete our online form below. You can also contact our Admissions Secretary, Charlotte Brindley on 01785 814181 ext. 1 or email admissions@stdominicspriory.co.uk
- Next you will be invited to come and meet with our Headteacher, Mrs Harrison, who will also give you a guided tour of the school and answer any questions you may have about the school and the process of application.
- Following your meeting with Mrs Harrison, we will arrange for your child to come into school and sit an informal assessment called a CAT4 (The Cognitive Abilities Test, also known as CAT4, is used to identify both a student’s academic potential and challenges. The CAT4 is divided into four categories – verbal, non-verbal, quantitative, and spatial ability.) We also have an Entrance Assessment Day each November for Primary 6 students wishing to apply for Year 7 the following year.
- If at this stage you are happy to proceed, we like to encourage children to come along for two taster days as we feel this is an important part of the application process, providing the ideal opportunity for your child to be with their potential class friends and teachers.
- Mrs Harrison will then meet with teaching staff, who will provide her with feedback about your child’s assessment and how they settled in during their taster days.
- If St Dominic’s is the right choice for your family, an offer letter and new starter pack will then be sent to you with an agreed start date.
- You then complete and return the acceptance form and a refundable deposit of £250.
Let’s start your journey….
Enquiry Form
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